Mills Observatory, Dundee, UK. This observatory was built in 1935 from sandstone and has a 7-metre dome. British amateur astronomer Harry Stewart Ford

Mills Observatory, Dundee, UK. This observatory was built in 1935 from sandstone and has a 7-metre dome. British amateur astronomer Harry Stewart Ford (born 1938) is at upper centre. Ford started work here in 1967, and became Curator in 1972, running a varied programme to popularise astronomy with the public. Ford resigned from his post in 1982, becoming Planetarium Lecturer at Greenwich in 1986, retiring in 2003. Ford was awarded the Lorimer Medal (1985), the Callendar Award (1996), an honorary doctorate (2000) from the University of Abertay, Dundee, and the MBE (2003) for his services to museum education.

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Keywords: 1900s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 20th, adult, astronomer, astronomical, astronomy, astrophysical, astrophysics, award, black--white, britain, british, building, callendar, caucasian, century, curator, doctorate, dome, dundee, education, equipment, europe, european, ford, harry, historical, history, honorary, human, kingdom, lorimer, male, man, mbe, medal, mills, monochrome, museum, observatory, people, person, popular, popularising, popularizing, sandstone, science, scientist, scotland, scottish, stewart, telescope, uk, united