. Choice emblems : natural, historical, fabulous, moral and divine, for the improvement and pastime of youth : ornamented with near fifty handsome allegorical engravings, designed on purpose for this work : with pleasing and familiar descriptions to each, in prose and verse, serving to display the beauties and morals of the ancient fabulists : the whole calculated to convey the golden lessons of instruction under a new and more delightful dress : written for the amusement of the right honorable Lord Newbattle . lanted in our Nature as an in-centive to virtue and, doubtlefs, to this we owemany

. Choice emblems : natural, historical, fabulous, moral and divine, for the improvement and pastime of youth : ornamented with near fifty handsome allegorical engravings, designed on purpose for this work : with pleasing and familiar descriptions to each, in prose and verse, serving to display the beauties and morals of the ancient fabulists : the whole calculated to convey the golden lessons of instruction under a new and more delightful dress : written for the amusement of the right honorable Lord Newbattle . lanted in our Nature as an in-centive to virtue and, doubtlefs, to this we owemany of the bell and greateft aftions whichhave been performed ;—if it were taken away,ithe world would become worfe than it is, asIthe force of example in the caufe of virtue[would be far lefs prevalent. But, as there is an excefs and likewife a per-verfion of all things; fo it is in regard : Men often millake glaring charactersfor <virtuoHs one?, and hence has arofe thefalfe glory which has been too often the deftroyers of mankind Ihis isJie perverfion of Fame.—An excefs in court-ing ( i64 )ing her Favours is alfo an abufe too frequent.—But thefe arc no arguments againft theolorious emulation in the minds of the good toexcel in wifdom and virtue : where thefe arcnot the ends defigned, all applaufe is adula-tion, and Fame an empty bubble ; fo that wemay well conclude All praife is foreign but of true defert, , ^ Plays round the head, but comes not neai^ the heart.* emblem: ( l6s. E M B L E M XLII. O PRESSION. FPv O Al airy heights the ravnous bird.^ furvey, With matchleis daiting on her prey,The helplefs, ftruggling victim ftrives in vainFrom fuch a foe its freedom to regain,Proudly fecure. (he Ikims the fkies haftens home to feed her hungry young ;But when the wily Serpents ftrcngth Ihe^ ftrives to bear aloft her fcaly prizeAt once the vidor with the vanquilhd die?. J > Beware of vice with lawlefs might combined:All il

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Keywords: ., bookidchoiceemblemsnat00wynn, booksubjectemblems, bookyear1772