The Af Chapman three masted former school tall ship, now anchored off Skeppsholmen and functioning as a youth hostel. Sodermalm

The Af Chapman three masted former school tall ship, now anchored off Skeppsholmen and functioning as a youth hostel. Sodermalm in background. The water front at Gamla Stan, The Old Town, Skeppsbron, with 16th and 17th century buildings. Late evening sunshine, setting sun. White Waxholm boats Waxholmsbatar typical for the archipelago traffic. Stockholm. Sweden, Europe.

Size: 11326px × 2614px
Location: sweden, stockholm, old town,
Photo credit: © Per Karlsson - / Alamy / Afripics
License: Licensed
Model Released: No

Keywords: 16th, 17th, af, afternoon, anchored, archipelago, , bkwine, break, buildings, capital, century, chapman, city, clipper, commuter, dawn, day, daybreak, dazzling, europe, european, evening, ferry, ferryboat, front, functioning, gamla, glowing, horizontal, hostel, large, late, light, liner, luminous, masted, morning, pan, panoramic, passenger, radiant, resplendent, sail, sailing, sailingboat, sailingship, scandinavia, scandinavian, scene, school, setting, sight, skeppsbron, skeppsholmen, sodermalm, st, stan, stockholm, sun, sunrise, sunshine, sunup, sweden, swedish, tall, town, traffic, twilight, vaxholm, vaxholmsbat, vaxholmsbatar, vaxholmsbå, vaxholmsbåtar, view, vista, warm, water, waxholm, waxholmsbat, waxholmsbatar, waxholmsbå, waxholmsbåtar, white, wide, youth