INDIA. Southern India. A Hindu Funeral; palanquin 1900 old antique print

Artist/engraver/cartographer: Photo by Wiele & Klein. Provenance: "Customs of the World"; Edited by Walter Hutchinson, With an Introduction by Haddon, Published by Hutchinson & Co., London . Type: Antique photographic book illustration.

Size: 1782px × 2424px
Location: India
Photo credit: © Antiqua Print Gallery / Alamy / Afripics
License: Royalty Free
Model Released: No

Keywords: 1900, 20th, antique, band, book, burning, canopy, carried, century, corpse, customs, decked, flowers, foreground, funeral, garlands, ground, haddon, hindu, hired, hutchinson, illustration, india, introduction, klein, london, musicians, occasion, ornamented, palanquin, photo, photographic, playing, print, profusely, society, southern, street, town, tunes, twentieth, vintage, walter, wiele, world