The history and survey of London : from its foundation to the present time . rft incorporated byCharter from Queen Elizabeth, Anno 1579. Andthe Factory belonging to the Company being atfirft fettled at Elbing in PruJJia, they received theAppellation of Merchants of Elbing; who, bytheir Charter, were impowered to Trade to Nor-way, Sweedland, Denmark, Poland, Prujfia, andall other Parts of the Baltick Sea, exclufive ofthe City of Narva, previoufiy granted to theRaffia Company. But the fmall River of Elbingproving very incommodious to Navigation, oc-cafioned the Merchants of the Factory to remove

The history and survey of London : from its foundation to the present time . rft incorporated byCharter from Queen Elizabeth, Anno 1579. Andthe Factory belonging to the Company being atfirft fettled at Elbing in PruJJia, they received theAppellation of Merchants of Elbing; who, bytheir Charter, were impowered to Trade to Nor-way, Sweedland, Denmark, Poland, Prujfia, andall other Parts of the Baltick Sea, exclufive ofthe City of Narva, previoufiy granted to theRaffia Company. But the fmall River of Elbingproving very incommodious to Navigation, oc-cafioned the Merchants of the Factory to remove,and fettle at Dantzick, Koningsberg, Riga and otherCities of the Baltick. However the grateful Ci-tizens of Elbing are not afhamed to own, that theprefent Splendor and Beauty of their City is owingto the great Commerce formerly carried on thereby the Englifh. This Company, in return for the feveral Sortsof Englifh Commodities exported by them, importall Sorts of Oak and Firr Wood, Flax, Linen,Bees-wax, Pot-afhes, Tallow, Scurgeoo, and allSorts of Naval Rec Roll. Pat. p. i 3. Eliz. p. 61 Levanty or Turkey Compa?iy. This Compa-ny was at firft in-corporated in theYear 1579, bYQueen Elizabeth,who endowed thefame with manygreat and amplePrivileges, whichhave been oftenconfirmed by di-vers fucceedingPrinces. The Trade of theCompany at firft extended no farther than theState of Venice, where difcovering the OrientalGems, and Place they came from, aflumed theTurkey Trade, which they have carried on with,great Succefs ever fince. But a Way being dif-covered to Eaft-India by Sea, a feparate Corpo-ration was erected for carrying on a i rade to it,exclufive of this Company : However, it conti-nues in as great Reputation as ever, and at pre-fent is denominated The Turkey Company ; theGovernment whereof confifts of a Governor, hisDeputy, and eighteen AfTiftants, who are annu-ally elected in the Month of February; and bywhom are appointed the Confuls, Vice-Conful

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Keywords: ., bookauthorentic, bookauthormaitlandwilliam16931757, bookyear1756