. A Rationale, or practical exposition of the Book of common-prayer. : Andour Saviour is a Prieft after the Order of Mel-chifedeck : And the Minifters of the Gofpel are cal-led Priefts by the Prophets. Ifaiah Ixvi. 21. Jer*xxxiii. 18. where they prophefy of the Times ofthe Gofpel, as will appear by the Context, andantient Expofition. Laftly, St. Paul, where hedefines a Minifter of the Gofpel, as well as of theLaw, calls him Prieft, in the fifth and eighthChapters of the Epiftle to the Hebrews. To fum up all then j that Name, which wasnot Jewifh, but common to others 5 that Namewhich was freque

. A Rationale, or practical exposition of the Book of common-prayer. : Andour Saviour is a Prieft after the Order of Mel-chifedeck : And the Minifters of the Gofpel are cal-led Priefts by the Prophets. Ifaiah Ixvi. 21. Jer*xxxiii. 18. where they prophefy of the Times ofthe Gofpel, as will appear by the Context, andantient Expofition. Laftly, St. Paul, where hedefines a Minifter of the Gofpel, as well as of theLaw, calls him Prieft, in the fifth and eighthChapters of the Epiftle to the Hebrews. To fum up all then j that Name, which wasnot Jewifh, but common to others 5 that Namewhich was frequently and canftantly ufed by pri-mitive Chriftians j that Name, by which the Pro-phets foretell, that the Minifters of the Gofpelfhall be called : Laftly, that Name, by which calls them, may not only lawfully, but fafe-ly, without any juft Ground of Offence to foberMen, be ufed ftiU by Chriftians, as a fit Namefor the Minifters of the Gofpel : And fo theymay be ftill called, as they are by the Church ofEngland in her Rubric, Priefts. s% Of 2J4 d. R ATIONALE. Of the Tranflation of the Psalms in theBook 0/Common-Prayer. 1HE PSALMS, inourEnelifhLi-turgy, are according to the Tranl-lation fet forth in the latter Part ofKing Henry trie Eighths Reign jafter that Petrus Galatinus hadbrought in the pronouncing andwriting the Name Jehovah, never before ufedor heard of in any Language : Which is ufedin this our Tranflation, PJalm xxxiii. iz. andPfalm lxxxiii. 18. The Bifljops Bible, (fet forth in the Beginningof Queen Elizabeths Reign, and ufed in Churches,tijl the new Tranflation under King James)*i\io*a much different Tranflation from the former inother Parts, yet retains the fame Pfalms withoutany Alteration. And therefore, whereas it hathNotes upon all the reft of the Books both of theOld and New Teftament, it hath none at all up-on the Pfalms, nor fo much as References to pa-rallel Plases. The Reafon hereof, I fuppofe, was,to avoid offending the People, who were ufed tothat T

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Keywords: ., bo, bookauthorsparrowanthony16121685, booksubjectchurchofengland