Paris, France. Portrait, transgender women "Helene Hazara", Retired, 60 years, Sex Worker at Gay Pride (LGBT) trans people, homophobia transphobia, transgender rights

Gay Pride day parade promotes full equality for LGBT in Paris The Gay Pride in Paris, the biggest political event in France with over half a million participants, promotes equal rights for (LGBT), lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transsexual individuals. Paris, "2012 - Equality is waiting! This Saturday, June 30 saw the LGBT (Gay) Pride March in Paris. It's the biggest political event in France, each year, with over half a million participants. It will be the first major event of the new Socialist Government's term. A year ago we found ourselves behind the slogan "Equality, in 2011 I walk, bur, I will vote in 2012." It is clear that since the French Socialist majority Victory, in May and June The political context is unique! For the first time in its history, France has a president in favor of measures supporting equal rights for LGBT people. President Francois Hollande and the Government now have a parliamentary majority sufficient to debate and pass bills for which we advocate. In this context, the impatience of LGBT is all the stronger. Our voice was heard at the LGBT Pride March, as it has already done, many times before. If political parties have evolved considerably since the early 2000s on the topics that we propose, it's also because they know that our society is changing so quickly. The acceptance and the trivialization of PACS (partnership contract law), (today signed by 96% by heterosexual couple)s, shows the universality of LGBT rights, that also securing some heterosexual couples, out of wedlock. LGBT Associations maintain their role of experts, and will continue to fuel political and institutional leaders of their experience and their reflections. The opening of marriage and gay parenting will advance society toward an equal life together.

Size: 4256px × 2832px
Location: Paris, France, Boulevard Montparnasse, 75014
Photo credit: © Directphoto Collection / Alamy / Afripics
License: Licensed
Model Released: No

Keywords: 60, adults, aids, contrast, deliberative, democracy, demonstrating, demonstration, demonstrators, diversity, equal, equality, ethnicity, europe, exterior, france, french, fun, gay, happy, hat, hiv, holding, homophobia, march, minority, outdoors, paris, participatory, people, pink, political, portrait, pride, prostitute, rally, retired, rights, senior, sex, smiling, tourism, trans, transgender, transgenders, transphobia, umbrella, volunteer, women, worker, workers, years