The history of the League. . crime, and by the defeat of the Reytcrsytheir Preachers animated with the Spiritof Rebellion, made it their bufinefs toinfpire it more furioufly than ever intothe people, lhamelefly affirming intheir publique Sermons, that the King,who had invited the Reyters intoFrance, being now grown defperateto fee his defign ruin d, by the Victo-ries which the Duke of Guife had ob-tain d over them, had hinderd thegreat Defender of their Religion fromcutting in pieces the remainder of thofeHeretiques, that the DukeofEfperno*ftheir known Patron and Prote&our,had fnatchd them out

The history of the League. . crime, and by the defeat of the Reytcrsytheir Preachers animated with the Spiritof Rebellion, made it their bufinefs toinfpire it more furioufly than ever intothe people, lhamelefly affirming intheir publique Sermons, that the King,who had invited the Reyters intoFrance, being now grown defperateto fee his defign ruin d, by the Victo-ries which the Duke of Guife had ob-tain d over them, had hinderd thegreat Defender of their Religion fromcutting in pieces the remainder of thofeHeretiques, that the DukeofEfperno*ftheir known Patron and Prote&our,had fnatchd them out of his hands byorder from his Mafter,and by a Treatywhich he had made with them, to af-ford them the means of putting them-felves in a condition of returning oncemore into France. And the bufinefswent fo far, that the Spirit of Revolt,C which thole Guides of Confciences,thofe ConfeiTours and Preachers ought- 0 combat with all their force, as be-ing diredly oppofite to the Gofpel,which teaches nothing but Obedience X and. The Hiftory of the League. and Submitfion to lawfull Powers,)was not onely infpird into the people#in private difcourfes, in confeffionsand in Sermons, but alfo in fome man-ner authorised by the Sorlonne. I believe not that I can be taxedwith any want of refped to that vene-rable Body, becaufe when occafion hasbeen given me , which has happen dmore than once, in divers of my .Works,I have not been wanting in thofe duecommendations, which the truth itfelf, to which I am entirely devoted,has drawn from my Pen : But by thefame obligation which indifpenfiblybinds me to the truth, I muft fay thatin fo numerous a Company, of youngand old Dodours mixd together, tisimpoffible but that there flioud beformd in troublefome conjunctures,by the unhappinefs of times, fomeFadions derivd from certain mutinousand extravagant perfons who deviatefrom the principles and pradices ofthe more prudent. And as we havebeheld in our own days a party, which,in relation to a Book that was

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Photo credit: © The Reading Room / Alamy / Afripics
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Keywords: ., boo, bookdecade1680, booksubjectsainteligue15761593, bookyear1684