Allegory sex Barberini Allegory House Barberini. One cloud sitting Minerva, pointing to two young men. They face a group Orientals with turbans. A prince points to a tablet on a tree. Two putti, seated on a dragon and an eagle holding a cloth firm, where: a text in the Latijn. Manufacturer : printmaker: Reinier van Persijn (listed building), designed by Andrea Camassei (listed property) Place manufacture: Rome Date: 1623 - 1668 Physical characteristics: engra material: paper Technique: engra (printing process) Measurements: plate edge: h 280 mm × W 381 mm Subject: family, descendance (+ varian

Allegory sex Barberini Allegory House Barberini. One cloud sitting Minerva, pointing to two young men. They face a group Orientals with turbans. A prince points to a tablet on a tree. Two putti, seated on a dragon and an eagle holding a cloth firm, where: a text in the Latijn. Manufacturer : printmaker: Reinier van Persijn (listed building), designed by Andrea Camassei (listed property) Place manufacture: Rome Date: 1623 - 1668 Physical characteristics: engra material: paper Technique: engra (printing process) Measurements: plate edge: h 280 mm × W 381 mm Subject: family, descendance (+ variant) (story of) Minerva (Pallas, Athena) cupids: 'amores' , 'amoretti' 'putti'

Size: 1834px × 1362px
Photo credit: © Art World / Alamy / Afripics
License: Licensed
Model Released: No
