Thorp Prebendal House, Ripon. Yorkshire. By Ernest Haslehust 1920 old print

Thorp Prebendal House, Ripon. Artist/engraver/cartographer: Ernest William Haslehust. Provenance: "Our Beautiful Homeland-York: Ripon and Harrogate: The English Lakes: Scarborough"; Painted by Ernest W. Haslehust, Described by George Benson: Bradley: R. Murray Gilchrist, Published by The Gresham Publishing Company Ltd., London [Our Beautiful Homeland]. Type: Colour antique print from a watercolour.

Size: 1304px × 1932px
Location: Yorks
Photo credit: © Antiqua Print Gallery / Alamy / Afripics
License: Royalty Free
Model Released: No

Keywords: 1920, 20th, antique, beautiful, benson, bradley, buildings, century, colour, company, english, ernest, george, gilchrist, gresham, harrogate, haslehust, homeland, house, lakes, london, murray, painted, prebendal, print, publishing, ripon, scarborough, thorp, twentieth, vintage, watercolour, william haslehust, york, yorks, yorkshire