Vintage delivery bicycle. Lacock Wiltshire

Classic traditional shop front with bicycle outside. Lacock Wiltshire Cottages and inns dating back to the 15th century form a breathtaking backdrop, much admired by film makers, in the National trust village of Lacock. From Pride and Prejudice to Harry Potter, Lacock has starred in many film classics. Lacock Abbey and Fox Talbot Museum, once the home of the pioneer of photography, William Fox Talbot, enhance your visit to the village. Lacock village has been the venue for many film makers, the popular TV programme, The Cranford Chronicles, was filmed here as was some of the shots in the Harry Potter movie, Larkrise to Candleford and Lost in Austen were amongst the many of the other films requiring an authentic background. The village church of featuring in most.

Size: 3300px × 2977px
Location: Lacock village wilshire
Photo credit: © jack tait / Alamy / Afripics
License: Licensed
Model Released: No

Keywords: lacock, basket., bicycle, bicycle., delievery, delivery, front. vintage, shop, shopping, vintage