ICE FIGURE SKATING. Cecilia Colledge, later 1937 World Champion 1935 old print

Artist/engraver/cartographer: Photo by E. Meerkämper, Davos. Provenance: "Le patinage artistique"; by Dr Manfred Curry, published by Librairie Delagrave, Paris. Type: Vintage heliogravure book plate. Cecilia Colledge is credited as being the first female skater to perform a double jump, as well as being the inventor of both of the camel spin and the layback spin.

Size: 4926px × 6052px
Location: London
Photo credit: © Antiqua Print Gallery / Alamy / Afripics
License: Royalty Free
Model Released: No

Keywords: 1935, 1937, 20th, antique, artistique, book, cecilia, century, champion, colledge, curry, davos, delagrave, dr, figure, heliogravure, ice, librairie, london, manfred, meerkämper, paris, patinage, photo, plate, print, skating, sports, twentieth, vintage, winter, world