. Emblems, divine and moral, together with hieroglyphicks of the life of man . .Well may my empty bed bewail thy thou art lodgd upon thy fhameful crofs iIf thou refufe to fhare a bed with me,We*li never part, Ill ihate a crofs with thee. ANSELM. Book 4. Emblems. 227 ANSELM. in Protolog. i. ^ Lord^ if thou art not prefejit, where pall I feekthee ab[ent ? // every ixhere^ why do I not fee theefrefent ? thou dwelleft in light inacceffihle 5 aiid --whereis that inacceffible light ? or hew fhall I have accefs tolight i^iacceffible ? / befeech thee^ Lordy teach me tofeek thee^ and fhew thy

. Emblems, divine and moral, together with hieroglyphicks of the life of man . .Well may my empty bed bewail thy thou art lodgd upon thy fhameful crofs iIf thou refufe to fhare a bed with me,We*li never part, Ill ihate a crofs with thee. ANSELM. Book 4. Emblems. 227 ANSELM. in Protolog. i. ^ Lord^ if thou art not prefejit, where pall I feekthee ab[ent ? // every ixhere^ why do I not fee theefrefent ? thou dwelleft in light inacceffihle 5 aiid --whereis that inacceffible light ? or hew fhall I have accefs tolight i^iacceffible ? / befeech thee^ Lordy teach me tofeek thee^ and fhew thy fdf to the feekcr -, becaufe Ican neither feek thee^ unlefs thou teach me 5 nor findthee, tmlefs thoit fhew thy felfto me: let ine feek theein defiring thee^ and defire thee in feeking thee: letme md thee in loving thee^ and love thee in fijidingthee. EPIG. fhould thou feek for reft, but in thy bed ?But now thy reft is gone, thy reft is fled :Tis vain to feek him there : my foul, be wif jGo ask thy fins, they*ll tell thee where he lic{<. 228 Book I:/til tyc nc}y. tin J ,7:^ nkvntthc Ctttr in die fh-cct>itndtil the brsadivavs Tvtlljeck htm :yhoiti utv jculhyct/tJ fctufht httti int flund htm mC , i.\iu:_j^.z Book 4. Emblems. 229 XL CANTICLES I mil rife^ and go about the city^ and willfeek him that ?7iy Joul loveth : I fought him,but I found hi?n ?2ot. O How my difappointed perplext! (breaft !How refilefs thoughts fwarm in my troubledHow vainly pleasd with hopes, then crofly vext With fears! and how betwixt them both diikeft !What place is left unranfackd? oh! where nextShall I go feek the author of my reft ? Of what blefsd angel /hall my lipS enquireThe undifcoverM way to that entireAnd everlafting folace of my hearts delire ? Look how the ftricken hart that wounded flics Oer hills and dales, and feeks the lower groundsFor running ibeams, the whilft his weeping eyesBeg lilciit mercy from the foUwing hounds 5At length, emboft, he droops

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