A treatise of faith : wherein methodically is handled, the nature of true, saving, justifying faith, in opposition unto counterfeit .. . of\Chrift our Sauiour,as it was notpoffible for all the gatesof hell to prcuaile againft the fame, though they fifted itneuer fo,& winnowed it to the comfortable per-fwafionthen in the heart ofabeleeuingChriftian,which :accompanieth the true knowledge and laying hold ofChrift,and rifeth and floweth from them both,it is not fo jmuch/?// and perceiued at the firft being and beginning Iof faith,as after fome time of continuance; when faith by!daily grow

A treatise of faith : wherein methodically is handled, the nature of true, saving, justifying faith, in opposition unto counterfeit .. . of\Chrift our Sauiour,as it was notpoffible for all the gatesof hell to prcuaile againft the fame, though they fifted itneuer fo,& winnowed it to the comfortable per-fwafionthen in the heart ofabeleeuingChriftian,which :accompanieth the true knowledge and laying hold ofChrift,and rifeth and floweth from them both,it is not fo jmuch/?// and perceiued at the firft being and beginning Iof faith,as after fome time of continuance; when faith by!daily growing, hath attained to fome good meafure of Jftrengtryt then is found to manifeft it felfe, to the muchquieting of the heart, in the which it is fo felt. This isbut the comfortable progreffe and growing of faith, theproceeding of it on(as I may fay) from faith to faith (asthe Apoftle fpeaketh.) And as in a word was noted be-fore out of that which is fet downe by Peter, from thefaith that we haue by beleeuing in Chrift, to come to be-leeueinGod,andtohaue faith and hope in him, recko-ning vpon all fauour and mercy from hi m. Chat. I Ch a p . 6. or ike power ofGodlineffe* Chap. VI. T he vfe that is to be made of this y that God hath giuentheCommandements both of the Law and Gojpdljor the attaining ofeter- natllife. now tojhewjcvhat vfe we are to make ofthe knowledge of this, that befide the com-mandementsfct downe tn the Law, for thefulfilling the right eoufnefte thereof(promifeb:ingmade,that ifwejballfo doe, we /ballline thereby), wehaue another commande-ment inioyned vnto vs in the Go/pell, for our belicuingin thename of the onely begotten Sonne of (Jod, with promife like-wife made in the fame Go/pell, that all that belieuein himlhallneuerperijhjbttt haue life euerlafting ? *A. We arc occafioned hereby, to obferue the inefti-mable goodneffe of God towards mankind for his falua-tion,fo many waies being vfed by the Lord,for the reco-uering of this mod wofull creature f

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Keywords: ., bookcentury1, booksubjectfaith, booksubjectpuritans, bookyear1654