. Three physico-theological discourses : concerning: I. The primitive chaos and creation of the world ; II. The general deluge, its causes and effects ; III. The dissolution of the world and future conflagration .. . sk nd^otpaiv. They of the World. 325* Tide) fljall not be deftroyed or annihilated^but only renewed and purified. And uponRev. xx,i. 2. TsTO « Tvjv dvvTrap^iciv ^vjAwv Ti^(T£(ji^y tftAA^i Tov (T(x6v, This he faith,«o^ denoting the Non-exiftence of the Creation^but the Renewing, In this manner he ex-pounds Pfabn cii. 5,6. and proceeding, ?nay here take Notice

. Three physico-theological discourses : concerning: I. The primitive chaos and creation of the world ; II. The general deluge, its causes and effects ; III. The dissolution of the world and future conflagration .. . sk nd^otpaiv. They of the World. 325* Tide) fljall not be deftroyed or annihilated^but only renewed and purified. And uponRev. xx,i. 2. TsTO « Tvjv dvvTrap^iciv ^vjAwv Ti^(T£(ji^y tftAA^i Tov (T(x6v, This he faith,«o^ denoting the Non-exiftence of the Creation^but the Renewing, In this manner he ex-pounds Pfabn cii. 5,6. and proceeding, ?nay here take Notice^ that the Apoftle dothnot ufe the Word ccTfjAOfi/, as if the Hea-ven and Earth were annihilated and broughtto nothing; but (meTf/3vj, they fajfed away^ orremoved^ or changed State, S. Hierojne uponthe Pfalms, Ffabn cii. faith. Ex quo ofien-ditur perditioneni ccclorum non interitwn fa-nare^ fed ?HUtatione?n in ??teUus, Fro?n whichWords [as a Vefture Ihalt thou changethem] may be fhewn and made out^ that theDiffolution of the Heavens doth not fignifytheir utter Deftru&ion or Annihilation^ but on-ly their Change into a better State, I mightadd abundance more Teftimonies^ but thefe,I tbinjc, may Y 31 Chap HAP. IV. The Opinions of the Ancient Heathen Phi^lofephers^ and other Writers concerningthe Dijfolution, 3. ^5^^ T follows now that I give youp^x T ^^ an Account what the ancient^^P^.^ Philofophers and Sages among^5^5^ the Heathens thought and deli-vered concerning this Point. Two of thefour principal Se6ls of Philofophers held afliture DilTolution of the World, viz. TheEpicuream and Stokh, A s for the Epicureans^ they held, that asthe World was at firft compofed by the for-^tuitous Concourfe of Atoms, fo it fliould atlaft fall in Pieces again by their fortuitousSeparation, as Lucretius hath it, lib, 5. Principio maria ac terras coelumqtie tuere]Tlorujujjaturam triplicem^ tria corpora^ MemmiyjTres [pedes tain dijjimiles^ tria talia textaUna dies dabit cxitio^ 7nultdf

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Keywords: ., bookauthorrayjoh, booksubjectcreation, booksubjectnaturalhistory