. The royal politician represented in one hundred emblems . eable to ftand before you, ( faid Jojhua upon his Death- * In hoc figno vinces. Eufeb. 1. 9. Hifh Sc. Ambr. Ep. 29. f Ge-lebr, 1, 4. Chroo. Anflg 1572. * Mar, üift of Spain, Q Bsd> 194 The Hope of Viftory cowies from, &c. ) if you put your Hope and Confidence inGod (6): Your Sword mall Conquer thoufands, forhe will fight for you (7). The Holy Scriptures-are fullof Inftances of this Divine Affiftance. God put thevery Stars in array againft the Canaanites (8). Againftthe Amorites he armd the Elements, and raind greatStones

. The royal politician represented in one hundred emblems . eable to ftand before you, ( faid Jojhua upon his Death- * In hoc figno vinces. Eufeb. 1. 9. Hifh Sc. Ambr. Ep. 29. f Ge-lebr, 1, 4. Chroo. Anflg 1572. * Mar, üift of Spain, Q Bsd> 194 The Hope of Viftory cowies from, &c. ) if you put your Hope and Confidence inGod (6): Your Sword mall Conquer thoufands, forhe will fight for you (7). The Holy Scriptures-are fullof Inftances of this Divine Affiftance. God put thevery Stars in array againft the Canaanites (8). Againftthe Amorites he armd the Elements, and raind greatStones from Heaven (9). Nor did the faithful needany affiftance againft the Madianites y for the Lord fetevery Mans Sword againft his Fellow (ic). Thus,whoever is Gods Enemy 3 brings Vengeance upon hisown head. (6) Jofh. 23. 10. (7) Ibid. (%) They fought from Heaven,the Srars in their conrics fought againft Sifera. (9) The Lord caftdown great Stones from Heaven upon them to A%e\ah, and theydied, Jofht 1©. ir. (10) Judg. 7. zz. ZM* Vol.!. IJÍ EMBLEM 117HAT, neither Force, nor a clofe Siege of manyvv Years could do againft Troy, Fraud at length ef-fected under pretence of Religion, the Grecians con=veying their Arms into the City within the Body ofa Wooden Horfe, under pretext of a Vow to the clattering noife of the Weapons , nor theAdvertency of the moft prudent Citizens, nor theConfideration that it could not be brought into theCity but by a Breach, nor that of its being to continuewithin the Walls a confiderable time, were futficieneto open the Peoples Eyes, and to difcover the Trea-chery : Of fuch Influence is Religion. This SciftoAfrkanm, Sylla, Sertorius, Minos, Vififiratus, Lycurgus,and many others, have advantageoufly made ufe of toauthorize their Laws, and impofe upon the People» O % The i i 196 Pal fe Hopes danger out. Val. f. The Thoemcians Coming into Spain, built^ where MedinaSidonia now ftands, a Temple in the Form of a For-trefs dedicated to He

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Keywords: ., bookauth, booksubjectkingsandrulers, booksubjectpoliticalscience