Sermons preached upon several occasions . rattifed, and therefore certainly may. And the better to convince us that theyarc fo, let this one Confideration alwaysdwell upon our Minds ; that there is noMan fo far hardened by, and overgrown with 158 The Firfi Difcourfe, &c. with Sin at prefent, but there was a timeof his Life once, in which his Heart couldhave ferved him to have done all this. Andif by a long inveterate Courfe of finning, hehas fince (in effect) finned away his Libertyand his Confcience Co far, as to become infena-ble and inflexible, and unable to be wroughtupon by that, which wo

Sermons preached upon several occasions . rattifed, and therefore certainly may. And the better to convince us that theyarc fo, let this one Confideration alwaysdwell upon our Minds ; that there is noMan fo far hardened by, and overgrown with 158 The Firfi Difcourfe, &c. with Sin at prefent, but there was a timeof his Life once, in which his Heart couldhave ferved him to have done all this. Andif by a long inveterate Courfe of finning, hehas fince (in effect) finned away his Libertyand his Confcience Co far, as to become infena-ble and inflexible, and unable to be wroughtupon by that, which would both havewrought, and prevaild upon him heretofore jfuch a moral acquird Impotence ought, in allReafon, to lie at his own Door; for it is cer-tain that he cannot charge it upon God,whofe Wifdom, Juftice,and Goodnefs, is fuch,that he never fails thofc, who are not firltfailins; to themfelves. *& To whom therefore be rendred and afaribedtas is moft due, all Praife, Might, Ma- jefly, and Dominion, both now and forevermore. Amen,. THE ( i59 ) The SECOND Part or Difcourfe CONCERNING TEMPTATION. 2 Peter ii. p. The Lord knoweth how to deliver theGodly out of Temptation. I Have formerly made fome Entrance in-to thefe Words, in which, after a IhorcExplanation, and Account given of thefetwo Things, viz. ift, Who are here to be underftood bythe Godly. And, idfy, What is here meant by caft the further Perfecution of the Wordsunder thefe following Particulars. 1 *A& i 60 The Second Difcourfe lft, To fhew how far God delivers Per-fons truly Pious out of Temptation. idly, To fhew what is the grand Motive,or impulfive Caufe, inducing God thus todeliver them. And, idly, and Laftly, To (hew why, and uponwhat Grounds, this is to be reputed fo greata Mercy, and fo tranfcendent a Privilege. The firft of thefe Three I have alreadydifpatched, and proceed now to the 2d, Namely to fhew what is the Prime Mo-tive, or Grand impulfive Caufe, inducing Godto deliver Terfons truly Tious out o

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Keywords: ., bookauthorsouthrobert16341716, booksu, booksubjectsermonsenglish