WESTMANN ISLANDS, ICELAND, JULY 1993: Puffin Hunting: Joi Ragg waits with his radio

WESTMANN ISLANDS, ICELAND, JULY 1993: Puffin Hunting: Joi Ragg waits with his radio for a call to tell him that has friend has arrived with his boat and he can throw the dead puffins he has caught over the cliff. His friend will collect then in his bot. Meanwhile his son plays with a dead puffin. Puffins have been a traditional source of food for icelanders for generations. There are 6 million puffins in Iceland. During the short hunting season the puffins are caught on the island cliffs with a special net called a Hafwar.

Size: 5208px × 3443px
Photo credit: © Mike Goldwater / Alamy / Afripics
License: Licensed
Model Released: No

Keywords: animal, baseball, beak, bird, boy, cap, capture, captured, catch, caught, cliff, coat, communicate, communication, culling, danger, dead, difficult, ellidaey, family, father, food, grass, ground, hunting, iceland, island, knit, landscape, life, nesting, net, netted, overcast, play, playing, puffin, radio, rain, rocky, sea, season, son, struggle, sun, sunlight, sunny, suns, swell, tradition, westermann, white, wings, youth