Paris, France. Pro-Gay marriage supporters, mostly form Act Up-Paris, rally near presidential palace, to Protest against Presidential Meeting with Anti-Gay Marriage Movement, aids activism, gay rights protests

François Hollande spent a half an hour this evening with a delegation of the anti-Equal Rights Movement, of January 13, composed of Virginia Merle-Tellenne aka "Frigid Barjot", Laurence Cheng and Jean-Pier Delaume Myard, which has the peculiarity to be called a "homosexual, but not gay." He had to replace Xavier Bongibault the other gay (or homosexual, no one knows) of service, not really welcome at the Elysee after comparing President Hollande to that of a living Adolf Hitler. "I SAW IT IN HIS EYES" At the exit of the meeting, Virginia Merle-Tellenne described it as "consistant" and has been reported on BFMTV, that she was convinced of having "shaken" François Hollande. "I saw it in his eyes," she said, adding: "We talked about the best interests of the child, his role as guarantor of the institution of marriage, and about marriage as the sole the union of a man and a woman in order to have children. Virginia Tellene is optimistic: "at the end, we said, "see you soon"." (Translated from ) During that time a group of Act Up-Paris AIDS Activists protested the Meeting, from outside the Presidential Palace, under heavy police escort.

Size: 3322px × 2307px
Location: Paris, France, IDF (75)
Photo credit: © Directphoto Collection / Alamy / Afripics
License: Licensed
Model Released: No

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