Archive image from page 110 of Curtis, Cobb & Washburn's amateur. Curtis, Cobb & Washburn's amateur cultivator's guide to the flower and kitchen garden for 1878 curtiscobbwashbu1878curt Year: 1878 MATEUR igULTIVATOK'S 874 Briza Gracilis (slender). From Cape of Good Hope Compacta. Very compHct-growini; variety of the Qnnklng-Grass; and be found verj' ornamental for winter decoration and for bouquets BRYZOPYRUM. Nat. Oi:d., Graminece. A very pretty dwarf variety of the omament:il grasses; good for dried bouquets. Bryzopyrom Siculam. Distinct and beautiful; hardy annual. 06 (iVNER

Archive image from page 110 of Curtis, Cobb & Washburn's amateur. Curtis, Cobb & Washburn's amateur cultivator's guide to the flower and kitchen garden for 1878 curtiscobbwashbu1878curt Year: 1878 MATEUR igULTIVATOK'S 874 Briza Gracilis (slender). From Cape of Good Hope Compacta. Very compHct-growini; variety of the Qnnklng-Grass; and be found verj' ornamental for winter decoration and for bouquets BRYZOPYRUM. Nat. Oi:d., Graminece. A very pretty dwarf variety of the omament:il grasses; good for dried bouquets. Bryzopyrom Siculam. Distinct and beautiful; hardy annual. 06 (iVNERllM (PAMPAS grass). BROMUS. Nat Ord., Graminea. 875 Uromos Bryzoporoides. A very pretty variety of ornamental grass. Hardy annual 10 CIILORIS. Nat. Ord., Graminea. Singularly elegant perennial grass, nine to twelve inches in height, with flower- •capes or stems, having slender flower-spikes or rachis horizontally from 79

Size: 1321px × 1514px
Photo credit: © Bookive / Alamy / Afripics
License: Licensed
Model Released: No

Keywords: 1800, 1870, 1878, americana, archive, biodiversity, book, bookauthor, bookcentury, bookcollection, bookcontributor, bookdecade, bookpublisher, booksubject, bookyear, boston_mass_curtis_cobb_washburn_seed_and_horticul, curtis_cobb_washburn_seed_and_horticultural_warehouse, drawing, fedlink, flowers_seeds_catalogs, henry_g_gilbert_nursery_and_seed_trade_catalog_collec, historical, history, illustration, image, kitchen_gardens_catalogs, nursery_stock_massachusetts_catalogs, page, picture, print, reference, u_s_department_of_agriculture_national_agricultu, usda_nurseryandseedcatalog, usdanationalagriculturallibrary, vintage