L’Assassine de Pequegnot soft hackle dry fly. Hook: Maruto 103BL Head: yellow thread Hackle: French partridge speckled neck feather tied i

L’Assassine de Pequegnot soft hackle dry fly. Hook: Maruto 103BL Head: yellow thread Hackle: French partridge speckled neck feather tied in forward. Body: 4 or 5 turns of gray or grizzly rooster hackle wound in behind the partridge, then palmered back down the body over yellow thread. Jean-Paul Pequegnot wrote the book, French Fishing Flies, back in 1969, describing the dressings and variations, along with a brief history, of over 65 classic flies. Of this rather concise list, the one fly he notes as the most effective fly in his box. Of course we can take that with a grain of salt, as this pattern is one of the few in that list that Pequegnot himself brought into being, and having done that only five years prior to the publication of the first edition of his book. The fly is, however, a very effective fly, regardless of whatever prejudice or affection towards this pattern the author may have had. The fly is probably most effective on chalk streams and slow moving rivers and creeks, as it's ability to float on the film in the riffles for longs drifts seems questionable.

Size: 3800px × 2991px
Location: Troy, USA
Photo credit: © Martin Battilana Photography / Alamy / Afripics
License: Royalty Free
Model Released: No

Keywords: classic, fish, fishing, flies, fly, flyfishing, french, hook, lure, materials, pattern, streamer, traditional, trout, tying