St Peter’s Church, Tickencote, Rutland. & Bury church 1789 old antique print

Tickencote church. Artist/engraver/cartographer: Stukeley delin. Francis Cary sculp. Provenance: "Britannia: or, a chorographical description of the flourishing kingdoms of England, Scotland and Ireland, and the islands adjacent; from the earliest antiquity", by William Camden. Translated from the edition published by the author in MDCVII. Enlarged by the latest discoveries, by Richard Gough. London: printed by John Nichols, for T. Payne and Son, Castle-Street, St. Martin's and and J. Robinson, Pater-Noster Row MDCCLXXXIX. Type: Antique copperplate print.

Size: 5658px × 4729px
Location: Religious
Photo credit: © Antiqua Print Gallery / Alamy / Afripics
License: Royalty Free
Model Released: No

Keywords: 1789, 18th, adjacent, antique, antiquity, author, britannia, bury, camden, cary, century, chorographical, church, churches, delin, discoveries, earliest, edition, eighteenth, england, enlarged, flourishing, francis, gough, ireland, islands, kingdoms, london, mdcvii, peter’, print, religious, richard, rutland, scotland, sculp, st, stukeley, tickencote, translated, vintage, william