. An illustrated flora of the northern United States, Canada and the British possessions : from Newfoundland to the parallel of the southern boundary of Virginia and from the Atlantic Ocean westward to the 102nd meridian . %>,rf Plams Kansas to Texas Arizona and New Mexico. June-July 2. Hoffmanseggia falcaria Cav. Sickle-fruited Hoffmanseggia. Fig. 2/1^.^. Hoffmanseggia falcaria Cav. Icones. 4: 63. pi. 39:!. 1797- H. stricta Benth. ; A. Gray. PI. Wright. I : 56- 1852. Caesalpinia Falcaria Fisher, Coult. Bot. Gaz. 18: 122. 1893. Herbaceous, puberulent, not black-punctate, the glands of the p
. An illustrated flora of the northern United States, Canada and the British possessions : from Newfoundland to the parallel of the southern boundary of Virginia and from the Atlantic Ocean westward to the 102nd meridian . %>,rf Plams Kansas to Texas Arizona and New Mexico. June-July 2. Hoffmanseggia falcaria Cav. Sickle-fruited Hoffmanseggia. Fig. 2/1^.^. Hoffmanseggia falcaria Cav. Icones. 4: 63. pi. 39:!. 1797- H. stricta Benth. ; A. Gray. PI. Wright. I : 56- 1852. Caesalpinia Falcaria Fisher, Coult. Bot. Gaz. 18: 122. 1893. Herbaceous, puberulent, not black-punctate, the glands of the peduncles and petioles stalked; stems ascending or decumbent, 1° high or less. Stipules ovate; leaves slender-petioled, bipinnate; pinnae 7-11; leaflets 12-21, oblong, obtuse, l*"-3" long; racemes few-several- flowered, elongating in fruit; pod flat, linear-oblong, curved or nearly straight, I'-ii' long, about 3" wide, blunt, 8-i2-seeded, the fruiting pedicels recurved. Kansas (according to Fisher) ; Texas, west to Califor- nia. Also in Central and South America. April-June. 5. GLEDITSIA L. Sp. PL 1056. 1753. Large thorny trees, with evenly once or twice pinnate leaves, small stipules, and small greenish polygamous flowers in slender axillary spicate racemes. Calyx campanulate, 3-5- cleft. Petals 3-5. equal, sessile, inserted at the summit of the calyx-tube. Stamens 3-10, distinct; anthers all alike, longitudinally dehiscent. Ovary rudimentary or none in the stami- nate flowers, in the fertile ones nearly sessile, elongated or ovoid. Ovules 2-00. Pod linear or oval, flat, nearly straight, or twisted at maturity, coriaceous, tardily dehiscent, i-seeded or many-seeded, sometimes pulpy between the flat seeds. [In honor of J. T. Gleditsch, 1714- 1786, German botanist, the name often spelled Gledifscliia.] About 6 species, natives of eastern North America and Asia. Besides the following, one occurs in Texas. Type species : Gleditsia triacanlhos L. Pod linear-oblong, e
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Photo credit: © The Bookworm Collection / Alamy / Afripics
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Keywords: ., bookcentury1900, bookdecade1910, booksubjectbotany, bookyear1913