The history of the League. . f anew King, who Ihoud beoftheCatholick Religion; of whichall the Kings of France, as Eldeft Sonsof the Church, have made a conftantprofeflion fince the time of Clovis theGreat, who after his Baptifm defervdthe glorious Surname of Mojl Chrifti-*n, which he has tranfinitted with-out the leaft interruption, to all hisSuccefTors, during the (pace of almofttwelve hundred years, from him toKing Henry the Third deceased. The Duke had fblemnly obligdhimfelf, more than once to call thisAfTembly, but he had always delayMit with great Art, both for the Inte-reft of the State

The history of the League. . f anew King, who Ihoud beoftheCatholick Religion; of whichall the Kings of France, as Eldeft Sonsof the Church, have made a conftantprofeflion fince the time of Clovis theGreat, who after his Baptifm defervdthe glorious Surname of Mojl Chrifti-*n, which he has tranfinitted with-out the leaft interruption, to all hisSuccefTors, during the (pace of almofttwelve hundred years, from him toKing Henry the Third deceased. The Duke had fblemnly obligdhimfelf, more than once to call thisAfTembly, but he had always delayMit with great Art, both for the Inte-reft of the State, and for his own par-ticular concernment. For on the onefide, he always fearM that the Spani-ards ( who fpard for nothing to gainthe Deputies from him, partly byBribes, and partly by the prefence ofa great Army, which they intendedyet once again to (end into France^under the Duke of Parma^ to protectthe States as they gave out) at lengthfhouM compafs their defign, whichwasj to procure their Infanta to beI i i 3 Ele&ed ;. The Hiftory of the League. Ele£ted : And on the other , plainlyforefeeing that he ft on d not^e EleQ;-e<!l himfelfj bec^ mar-ry the Jnfarita^ he refolvd; no otherffioud be chofeti, that hetoight notIbfe th:it SovefeigftAuthoriry, whichfie coud maintain ho loriger than tillthe States had made an hle&ion of anew King. ; - ^ But after all, he coiid no longertefifl:thepreffing felicitations, whichftie great Cities of his Party , theSpaniards /the Pope him felf and hisLegat made him continually, puttinghim in mind of the promife he had 16often given of calling that that which fixM him at Uft inthis determi^tion , wats - that theDiike of ?Pdrdi*}) who was affemblingbis Forces to enter France $o? the thirdtime, dyedinthemidftofthefe con-futations,ttri the fifth of December-:For hebeliev^/^^; ha-ying flowno General^ who was anyway comparable to theGzmm of thatgreat Man, wouM leave him the com-ma rid of their Armies, or at lea ft, notbeing

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Keywords: ., boo, bookdecade1680, booksubjectsainteligue15761593, bookyear1684