The world displayed : or, A curious collection of voyages and travels . ice told him,that Oualpopoca and his officers had acknow-ledged the crimes for which they were condemnedto death ; but as they pretended they had donenothing without his orders, it was necellary thathe ihouid fuffer fome perfonal mortification. Hethen, with an air of authority, commanded thefoldier to lliackle Montezuma, and then leav-ing him, gave orders to the guards to prevent hishaving any communication with his minifters. Montezumas aftonifhment at being treated in^this ignominious manner, was fo great, that hehad nei

The world displayed : or, A curious collection of voyages and travels . ice told him,that Oualpopoca and his officers had acknow-ledged the crimes for which they were condemnedto death ; but as they pretended they had donenothing without his orders, it was necellary thathe ihouid fuffer fome perfonal mortification. Hethen, with an air of authority, commanded thefoldier to lliackle Montezuma, and then leav-ing him, gave orders to the guards to prevent hishaving any communication with his minifters. Montezumas aftonifhment at being treated in^this ignominious manner, was fo great, that hehad neither power to refill, nor fpeech to com-plain ; while his fcrvants, without uttering av/ord, threw themfelves at his feet, and, with fignsof the deepeft ai!li6tion, fupported the weight ofhis fetters, to prevent their hurting his legs.—However, when liC lirft recovered from his fur-prize and amazement, he flew into a tranfport ofrage; but foon recovering himfelf, colle6ted hisfortitiide^ and believing his life in danger, waitedhis fate with dignity and Cortex orders Jlfonteziima to be put in Jivns BY HERNANDO CORTES. 287 In the mean time Cortes ordered the Mexicangeneral^ with his fon and the reft of the officers,to be conduced under a ftrong guard of Spa-niards to a large fquare, where in the prefence ofan innumerable concourfe of people^ their handsand feet were bounds after which they were placedon a large pile of broken bows and arrows^ andlire being fet to it, they were foon burned^ to theamazement of all the fpe6tatorSj who, withoutmaking the leaft difturbance, were ftruck with aweand admiration. Cortes then returned to Monte-zumas apartment, and telling him with a fmile,that the traitors who had prefumed to blemiih hismajeftys chara61:er, had now received their juftpunifliment, he ftooped down, and with his ownhands took off the fetters. The emperor receivedhis liberty with a tumultuous joy, embraced Cortesfeveral times, and fitting both of them down to-g

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