YACHT FLAGS Blue & Red. Red, White & Blue 1896 old antique print picture

Racing Flags of Yachts - Whelp, Cap. Alexander. - Anisande, Muller - Gemma, Dubois - Sophia, Sophy, Dr. Jarritt - Fleetwing, Roberts, Dorothy, Lawson - Dulcie, Amateur, Richards - Undine, W. St. Lorenzen - May, O. Goelet - Kelpie, Cap. J. Taylor - Per-H'Ach, Lotus, Puppy Houari, Lieut J. Guiffrey - L'Andelle, E. Paynaud - Ventura, W. Hunt - Idler, J. Hand - Erl King, Whyte & Johnston - Imp Hall - Constance, Fan-Kwae, Bealey - Mayflower, Gardner - Kipper, Lorette, Connell - Narvel, C. Blackbur - Tsetse, Clarke - Minerva, Bucknall - Daphne, H. Kirsten - Daphne, Rayner - Mignon, E. Mantois - Frivole, L. Gabelle - Anaconda, Simpson - Lady Nancy, Marshall - Athlon, Havens - Jeannette, Lt. Dyevre - Terra Linna, Knight - Seneca, Tribken - Beroe, Collins, Nancy, Smith & Tilt - Vera, Russell - Amorita, Brokaw - Schemer, Brown - Alice, Ribeiro - Kittenina, Miles & Leach - Mouette, A. Grisar - Albatros, E. Maillard - Joyeux, P. Suchard, L. Granier & T. Guirand. Artist/engraver/cartographer: McCorquodale & Co Ltd, London NW. Provenance: "Lloyd's Register of Yachts"; Containing particulars and Distinguishing Flags of Yachts & Motor Boats. Type: Antique lithographic colour print.

Size: 2415px × 1502px
Location: Sailing
Photo credit: © Antiqua Print Gallery / Alamy / Afripics
License: Royalty Free
Model Released: No

Keywords: 1896, ach, alexander, amateur, andelle, anisande, antique, blue, cap, dorothy, dr, dubois, dulcie, erl, flags, fleetwing, gemma, goelet, guiffrey, hand, houari, hunt, idler, jarritt, johnston, kelpie, king, lawson, lieut, lorenzen, lotus, muller, paynaud, picture, print, puppy, racing, red, richards, roberts, sophia, sophy, st, taylor, undine, ventura, whelp, white, whyte, yacht, yachts