ROME. The Pauline Fountain 1872 old antique vintage print picture

Artist/engraver/cartographer: Engraved by E. Meunier; H. Catenacci Del. Provenance: "Rome" by Francis Wey with an introduction by Story; published by Chapman and Hall, London [Wey's Rome]. Type: Antique wood engraving.

Size: 2796px × 1836px
Location: Rome
Photo credit: © Antiqua Print Gallery / Alamy / Afripics
License: Royalty Free
Model Released: No

Keywords: 1872, augustus, banks, barrack, borgo, cecilia, chamber, chrysogonus, church, corps, curiosities, decoration, deserto, discovery, district, firemen, fountain, high, history, janiculum, maderno, maria, mass, monastery, monument, mortuary, onofrio, origin, pauline, portrait, print, ramparts, robber, rome, sant, santa, st, stephen, tasso, tiber, time, trastevere, window