. The craftsman. EnterprizeSj^and the third being in no Condition to mediate, theExtremes clalhd without any Power fufhcient to inter-pofe ; and when the Sword was drawn, the Swordcould alone decide. I conclude therefore, from thefetwo Examples, that as there cannot be a greater Errorin Politicks than That of a Nobility, who affill a Princeto take away the Liberties and Privileges of the Com-mons, (which was the Cafe in Caftile ;) fo the fureftWay of preventing that terrible Dilemma, whereinMen are obliged to chufe either SubmiiTion to tyran-meal Government, or Concurrence with an enragedand n

. The craftsman. EnterprizeSj^and the third being in no Condition to mediate, theExtremes clalhd without any Power fufhcient to inter-pofe ; and when the Sword was drawn, the Swordcould alone decide. I conclude therefore, from thefetwo Examples, that as there cannot be a greater Errorin Politicks than That of a Nobility, who affill a Princeto take away the Liberties and Privileges of the Com-mons, (which was the Cafe in Caftile ;) fo the fureftWay of preventing that terrible Dilemma, whereinMen are obliged to chufe either SubmiiTion to tyran-meal Government, or Concurrence with an enragedand no longer governable People, (which hath beenthe Cafe in Cafile and Britain both,) is for the No-bility, and the principal Men amongil the Commons^to engage fo early in the Cuu/e of Liberty, that the former 94 .7^<?Cr A FTSM A N. N® 4^9 former may be always in Condition to mediate witiEfFeft, and the latter have always Power to allay th(intemperate Heat of their own Body. O N°439. Saturday^ Novemi^er ^Oy 1734. T^^ y2j;«f SiibjeSi continued. In-ivPjich the Defers of the Conftitution o/Francs!are confderd, j To C A L E B D^A N V E R S, £/f J j ISir, I U T to refume the Comparifon of oths^Confiituiiom of GoS//2i«, either by original Defefts, or b) __ _ deviating from, and not being reducee again in Time to its firit Principles, was deftroycthrough the Corruption of Parliaments^ and by theForce of an Army^ one of which betrayd, and theether conquerM the Commons of Caftile j the Commomof France feem either not to have had, or to haveloft, in the dark Beginnings of that Monarchy, allShare in the yz^/>r^z7z^, legiftative Po^er. The great,original Defed of having but tivo Eftates to (harethe fupreme Po^-ojer, is an Objeflion common to theRoman, and to the Trench Conjlitutions^ with this Difiference. Of the three^ fimple Forms of Goojernment,the Monarchical, the Ariftocratical, and the Democra-ticalf Rome wanted the

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