. Sermons on the following subjects ... SERMON I. Of the G L o R Y of G O D. I C o R. X. 31. Whether therefore ye eat or drinkjor whatfoever ye do^ do all to theGlory of God, H E Defigii of the Apofile in s £ r m. this chapter, is to prefs upon I. Chriflians the great Obliga- ^^^^^t^^ tion they are under, to walkworthy of their holy vocation; to walkworthy of God, as he elfewhere expref^fes it, ( I Th. ii. 12.) to live as becom-eth the Gofpel of Chriji; to behave them-felves in fuch a manner, as may do ho-noiir to their religion, may give CreditVol, II. B and. 2 Of the Glory of GOD. S E R M. a

. Sermons on the following subjects ... SERMON I. Of the G L o R Y of G O D. I C o R. X. 31. Whether therefore ye eat or drinkjor whatfoever ye do^ do all to theGlory of God, H E Defigii of the Apofile in s £ r m. this chapter, is to prefs upon I. Chriflians the great Obliga- ^^^^^t^^ tion they are under, to walkworthy of their holy vocation; to walkworthy of God, as he elfewhere expref^fes it, ( I Th. ii. 12.) to live as becom-eth the Gofpel of Chriji; to behave them-felves in fuch a manner, as may do ho-noiir to their religion, may give CreditVol, II. B and. 2 Of the Glory of GOD. S E R M. and Reputation to their Profeffion; In aword, that they be follicitous above allthings to promote the Glory of God, andthe Salvation of Men \ to bring over Unbe-lievers to the acknowledgment of theTruth; and to prevent, as far as poffible,thofe who T)o believe, from being in anymanner offended and difcouraged in theirDuty, or by any means tempted and fe-duced into Sin. The Great Temptation in the Apoftlesdays was thatof relapfing into the HeathenIdolatry; either direSily, into the grofs A6lsof this Sin, through Fear of Perfecution;or confequentially, into the Snare of a de-filed Confcience, by prefumptuoufly mif-underftanding the true Bounds of whatwas lawful and innocent. Againft Boththefe, St Faul gives diligent Caution inThis chapter. Againft falling into dire5iIdolatry through fear of Perfecution, heexhorts the Corinthians by the followingArgument, ver. 13. Inhere has no Tempta-tion, fays he, taken you, but fuch as iscommon to Man: But God is Faithf

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Keywords: ., booksubjectchurch, booksubjectsermonsenglish, initial, initialt