Otis Elevating Railroad, Catskill mountains, New York. STODDARD 1895 old print

Le Chemin de fer a Crémaillère [Otis Elevating Railroad, Catskill mountains, New York]. Artist/engraver/cartographer: John Stoddard. Provenance: "Portfolio Colonial dépeignant les paysages, les villes et les industries", photographies rassemblées par John L. Stoddard. Type: Antique photographic book plate with French language text below the image.

Size: 2364px × 2959px
Location: New York
Photo credit: © Antiqua Print Gallery / Alamy / Afripics
License: Royalty Free
Model Released: No

Keywords: 1895, 19th, antique, book, catskill, century, chemin, colonial, cremaillere, crémaillè, depeignant, elevating, fer, french, image, industries, john, language, mountains, nineteenth, otis, paysages, photographic, photographies, plate, portfolio, print, railroad, railways, rassemblees, rassemblées, stoddard, text, villes, vintage, york, épeignant