Paris France, Festivals, People Celebrating at the Gay Pride Parade, transgender PASTT trans Woman, people, sex work europe, (Camille Cabral) sex

Festivals, People Celebrating at the "Gay Pride" Parade, Tran sexual President of PASTT Transexual Prostitution Group, PASTT – Prévention, Action, Santé, Travail pour les Transgenres (Prevention, Action, Health and Work for transgender community). Camille Cabral (born 31 May 1944) is a French-Brazilian politician and dermatologist. The first trans woman to be elected in the history of the French Republic (she was on the council of the 17th arrondissement of Paris with the French Green Party), she is also the founder of the non-governmental organisation PASTT

Size: 3407px × 5120px
Location: Paris France, Blvd St Germain, 75005
Photo credit: © Directphoto Collection / Alamy / Afripics
License: Licensed
Model Released: No

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