Scientific and applied pharmacognosy intended for the use of students in pharmacy, as a hand book for pharmacists, and as a reference book for food and drug analysts and pharmacologists . ma (Fam. Ruta-ceae), a shrub indigenous to Cape Colony. There are two chiefcommercial varieties: (1) Short Buchu, obtained from B. betulinaand (2) Long Buchu, obtained from B. serratifolia (Fig. 162). Thetwo drugs differ considerably in their constituents. Short Buchu.—Obovate, rhomboid-obovate, ovate or elliptical orsomewhat cuneate; 9 to 18 mm. in length, 6 to 12 mm. in breadth; BUCHU 369 summit obtuse, som

Scientific and applied pharmacognosy intended for the use of students in pharmacy, as a hand book for pharmacists, and as a reference book for food and drug analysts and pharmacologists . ma (Fam. Ruta-ceae), a shrub indigenous to Cape Colony. There are two chiefcommercial varieties: (1) Short Buchu, obtained from B. betulinaand (2) Long Buchu, obtained from B. serratifolia (Fig. 162). Thetwo drugs differ considerably in their constituents. Short Buchu.—Obovate, rhomboid-obovate, ovate or elliptical orsomewhat cuneate; 9 to 18 mm. in length, 6 to 12 mm. in breadth; BUCHU 369 summit obtuse, somewhat recurved; base acute or cuneate; marginsharply dentate or denticulate and with an oil-secretion cavities atthe base of each tooth; upper surface yellowish-green, glabrous;under surface yellowish-green, longitudinally striate; both surfacespapillose; petiole about 1 mm. in length; texture coriaceous; odorand taste distinct, aromatic. Long Buchu.—Linear-lanceolate, 25 to 40 mm. in length, 4 to 6mm. in breadth; margin sharply serrate and glandular; summitsomewhat rounded or truncate. Stems in both Short and LongBuchu about 1 mm. in diameter, yellowish-green or brownish-red,. Fig. 162.—Buchu leaves showing oil cavities which give the leaves a glandular-punctate appearance: 1, Barosma crenata ovalis; 2, B. crenulata latifolia;3, B. betulina; 4, B. serratifolia; 5, Empleurum ensatum; 6, dehiscent fruitof B. crenulata; 7, flower of the same.—After Tschirch. cylindrical, longitudinally furrowed, with prominent leaf-scarsnearly opposite to each other and giving the stems a jointed char-acter. Inner Structure.—See Fig. 163. Powder.—Light green; calcium oxalate in rosette aggregates, to mm. in diameter; epidermal cells with irregularmasses or sphere-crystals of hesperidin, to mm. in diam-eter, and with walls modified to mucilage; oil globules numerous. Constituents.—Short buchu contains about to per centof a volatile oil, of which about

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Photo credit: © The Reading Room / Alamy / Afripics
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Keywords: ., bookcentury1900, bookdecade1920, bookpublishernewyo, bookyear1920