A description of the first discoveries of the antient city of Heraclea, found near Portici, a country palace belonging to the king of the Two SiciliesIn two . S I R, E pleafed to accept the follow-ing Tranflation, from one who,though an entire Stranger toyour Perfon ; yet (having heard of yourgreat Renown, as a learned and curi-ous Enquirer into, and Encourager ofjthe Study of Antiquity,) prefumes tooffer you his Performance ; hoping thatthe Subjed it treats on, (being the bring-: DEDICATION. ing to light an antient City, which hadlain buried under Ground fo long, thatit was almoft for

A description of the first discoveries of the antient city of Heraclea, found near Portici, a country palace belonging to the king of the Two SiciliesIn two . S I R, E pleafed to accept the follow-ing Tranflation, from one who,though an entire Stranger toyour Perfon ; yet (having heard of yourgreat Renown, as a learned and curi-ous Enquirer into, and Encourager ofjthe Study of Antiquity,) prefumes tooffer you his Performance ; hoping thatthe Subjed it treats on, (being the bring-: DEDICATION. ing to light an antient City, which hadlain buried under Ground fo long, thatit was almoft forgot to have exifted ;)will plead my Excufe for attempting totrouble you therewith: And as the Kingof the Two Sicilies did not difdain topatronize the Original, I hope you,Sir, will not refufe the fame Honour rqthe Operations of, SiRy Tour mojl ohligedyAnd mojl obedient^Humble Servant^ Wickes Skurray. THE Tranflators HE following fmall Treatife is an authentickand concife Account of the Antiquities andCuriofities, which have been difcovered fromTime to Time, in the City of Heradea;Part of which was overwhelmed and coveredwith Afhes by an Eruption of Mount Vefuvlus, and Partwas fwallowed up by an Earthquake, and remained inthat Situation, as it were in a State of abfolute Oblivion,during the Space of one Thoufand fix Hundred and tenYears, when fome few Difcoveries were made, thoughvery trifling to what has been within thefe ten Years:Wherefore I (out of a Curiofity, which is natural to anyone) no fooner faw the Original hereof advertifed, but Ibought it, at firft barely with a Defign of perufing andtranflating it, for my own Amufement in my leifureHours: But on fliewing my Tranflation to fome Gentle-men of my Acquaintance, who had adually been on thevery Spot, and even in the fubterraneous City hereintreated of; They, after a proper Revifal and Corre6lion,gave me Encouragement to offer it to the Pu

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Keywords: ., bookauthorvenutiniccolmarcello170, bookiddescriptheraclea00venu