. Minerua Britanna, or, A garden of heroical deuises, furnished, and adorned with emblemes and impresa's of sundry natures, . ne in fpite of Hell for ay :And brighter then the beames of p h oe b v s fhine,.For tis the Truth fo holy and divine. Which foule Ambition hath fo often vext,Quotics homini - ^^^^ fwcUins pridc of Prselates put in doubt, bu s prjEcfic dell - \ ^-^ r i \ \. » n ^Deo With Covctuoulnes thatgreedie Monlter next,That long I feare me fnice it had bene out,Did not thy hand ( dearc Saviour) from aboucDefend it fo ^ that it might never moue. mcopr*irecoi)ccncio. Auj^uf

. Minerua Britanna, or, A garden of heroical deuises, furnished, and adorned with emblemes and impresa's of sundry natures, . ne in fpite of Hell for ay :And brighter then the beames of p h oe b v s fhine,.For tis the Truth fo holy and divine. Which foule Ambition hath fo often vext,Quotics homini - ^^^^ fwcUins pridc of Prselates put in doubt, bu s prjEcfic dell - \ ^-^ r i \ \. » n ^Deo With Covctuoulnes thatgreedie Monlter next,That long I feare me fnice it had bene out,Did not thy hand ( dearc Saviour) from aboucDefend it fo ^ that it might never moue. mcopr*irecoi)ccncio. Auj^uft:fuper Pfalm : Eafil :Doron .lib : a:pag: 38. Pcrdica Araritics, etdira Soperbia, PcftisChriftiadum infxiix , Ambitioquc fimiil: Ccrtatim vt tentcnt extinguere lampada verb?,Nitiuruccurrac(CHKISTE mifcrtc )manus. Orcgor: Moral:. Siimmus locus bciic rcgitur cum is qui prseeft, viciis potius quam fratri- bus dominatur. Omnis adcundi honoris ecclcfiaftici abfcindcrctur ambitio^fifc iudicanCrigcn; fupcr E- do3 ,potius quaiii iudicaturos hi qui pra:cfrc yolunt populis cogitarcnt, pirt : ad Komin: NufcjUam islufquam tutd, 4. T^ he filly Hind among the thickets greene, •*■ While nought miftrufting did at fafetie goe,His mortall wound rcceiud with arrow keencSent (inging from a Sheepeheard s fecret bowc; And deadly peirc d, can in no place abide, But runnes about with arrow m her fide. So oft we fee the man whome Confcicnce bad Doth inwardly with deadly torture wound, From *- place to place to range with Furie mad. And fceke his eafe by (liifting of his ground The mcane neglecting which might healc the finne ^^ That hpwerly rancUes more and more within. Dic^xus volucri quam fixit arundine paftor Ccrva fugit, nullis convalitiira locis ;Confciamcns fcelcris qucmtorquet, vbique percrrat, Vulncre neglcfto quod mifcr intus alit, Tranquillitate confcicnriy riil b«atiu? excogitari affvAuura cotrcAor c: animi pa^dagogus. C2. VhiUut!A- ^ Mala tonfcien-da in folicuHinca

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