. The workes of the most high and mightie prince, Iames, by the grace of God, king of Great Britaine, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c. . l bringfoorth good Wine firft, and after, was the faying of the Gouernour of theFeaft at Qana in Galile^, where Christwrought his firft miracle by changing wa-ter into Wine. But in this cafe now where-of I am to fpeake vnto you, I muff follow^1 thatGouernoursrule,andnot Christsou the worlt and fowreft Wine laft. For all the timeof this long Seflion of the Parliament you haue bene fo fed and cloyd,(fpe-cially you of the Lower houfe) wi

. The workes of the most high and mightie prince, Iames, by the grace of God, king of Great Britaine, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c. . l bringfoorth good Wine firft, and after, was the faying of the Gouernour of theFeaft at Qana in Galile^, where Christwrought his firft miracle by changing wa-ter into Wine. But in this cafe now where-of I am to fpeake vnto you, I muff follow^1 thatGouernoursrule,andnot Christsou the worlt and fowreft Wine laft. For all the timeof this long Seflion of the Parliament you haue bene fo fed and cloyd,(fpe-cially you of the Lower houfe) with fuch banquets, and choife of delicatefpeeches, and your cares (6 feafbned with the IwectnefTe of long precogi-tate Orations j as this my Speach now in the breaking vp of this AfTem-bly, cannot but appeare vnto your tafte as the worft Winepropofed inthe end of the Banquet, fince I am onely to deliuer now vnto you mat-ter without curious forme, fubftance without ceremonic , trewth in allfinccritie. Yet confidering the Perfbn that fpeaketh, the parties to whomI fpeake, the matter whereof I meane to fpeake; it fits better to vttermat- V u 3 ter,. le, in giuing y 5io <iA Sfeacb at White-hall. 3. A N n o i 60 7. tcr, rather then wordes, in regard of the grcatnefTe of my place who am tofpeake to you, the grauitie or you the Auditoric, which is the high Courtof Parliament, the weight or the matter, which concernes the fecuritieand eitablimmentofthis whole Empire,and litle world. Studied Orationsand much eloquence vpon little matter is fit for the Vniuerfities, wherenot the Subiecl which is fpoken o£ but the triall of his wit that fpeakcth,ismoft commendable: but on the contrary, in all great Councels ot Parlia-mentSjteweh: wordes with moffc matter doeth become belt,where the di[-patch of the great errands in hand,and not the praife of the pcrfbn is moftto bee looked vnto : like the garment ofachaiie woman, who isonely fetforth by her naturall beautie, which is properly her o wne

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Keywords: ., bookauthorjamesikingofengland15661625, booksubjecttobacco, booky