The charter granted by their majesties King William and Queen Mary, to the inhabitants of the province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England . OteS COtlftniuD. Vows of the TBe n cnafteu op tf>e <£otiernour, Council ano rpoufe of iScpte-- fCntatiD00, That the Votes aforefaid, made by the laid Proprietors in Man-ner as aforefaid, be and hereby are confirmed, and that the faid AfTtiTors (or Proprietorsof the WeftPart of Lei-cejier con-firmed. any two of them,) and the faid Collectors (after they have been duly fwornfor thofe Purpofesj be and hereby are impowered and enabled to afiefs the

The charter granted by their majesties King William and Queen Mary, to the inhabitants of the province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England . OteS COtlftniuD. Vows of the TBe n cnafteu op tf>e <£otiernour, Council ano rpoufe of iScpte-- fCntatiD00, That the Votes aforefaid, made by the laid Proprietors in Man-ner as aforefaid, be and hereby are confirmed, and that the faid AfTtiTors (or Proprietorsof the WeftPart of Lei-cejier con-firmed. any two of them,) and the faid Collectors (after they have been duly fwornfor thofe Purpofesj be and hereby are impowered and enabled to afiefs the faidInhabitants, and collect and receive the Moneys aforefaid in the fame Manneras otherTowns orPrecincts have heretofore affefied and collected theirRates andTaxes, and that the faid Treafurer or his Succeffors be and hereby is enabledto receive the fame ; which the faid Collectors are to pay to the faid Treafu-rer accordingly. BOSTON:Printed and Sold by ^aitlUCl fctieelatltl and CittlCtbg ©tCCn, by Orderof His Excellency the GOVERN OUR, Council and Houfe ofRepresentatives. MDCCXLIII. Anno Regni Regis G £ 0 R G I I II. Dedmo-O&. An Ad Paffed by the Great and General Court or AfTembly of His Majeftys Provinceof the Majfachufetts-Bay in New-England: Begun and Held at Boftdfi uponWednefday the thirtieth Day of May 1744, and continued by Adjournmentto Thurfday the ninth Day of Auguft following. CHAP. IX. An Ado in further Addition to and Ex-planationof the kSi for the more fpeedyfinifhing of the Land Bank oi Manu-factory Scheme. r HERE AS in and by an Acl faffed in the feventeenth Tear of his prefent p ,,Majeftys Reign, infilled An Act for the more fpeedy finilhing of the Land Bank or Manufactory Scheme ; it is provided, that the Com-miffioners therein named, floould make a Report of their Proceedings in,the Execution of their Trt/ft to this Court at their prefent Seffim for their Appro-bation and Allowance, or Difailowance thereof, either in Whole or in Part, andthat any of

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Keywords: ., booka, bookauthorenglandandwalessovereign16891694williamandmary