Achilles by Sir Richard Westmacott (1775 -1856) Cast from a cannon captured in the war about the Iberian Peninsula, Achilles was London's first nude

Achilles by Sir Richard Westmacott (1775 -1856) Cast from a cannon captured in the war about the Iberian Peninsula, Achilles was London's first nude statue. Unveiled in 1822 it caused so much controversy that a fig leaf was added to hide its vital parts. The original statue was without a sword, too - it was added 42 years later. Off Park Lane, close to Hyde Park Corner ,SW1

Size: 4724px × 4724px
Photo credit: © ilpo musto / Alamy / Afripics
License: Licensed
Model Released: No

Keywords: achilles, art, corner, hyde, ilpo, london, musto, park, reliefs, richard, shield, sir, statues, sword, wall, westmacott