Employment for the microscope Employment for the microscope : in two parts employmentformic00bake Year: 1764 INDEX. M. M^«72^3! examined â⢠â- ig^ fome fuppoied fidlitious âââ jgo Mea/uring of Ohjeds by Dr, Hooh^s Method â 373 by a new Micrometer 427 MeJal of Gold beftowed by the Royal Society on the Author for his Experiments on Salts, &c. â< 3 Medals, how to take Impreffions and Pidlures of- ⢠436 Metals^ Vegetation of, what ' ⢠192 Micrometer contrived by Mr. Cuff â 425 Remarks on it by Mr. Folkes â 426 in the Author's Microfcope â 430 Table belonging to it * â 432 Microfcope, whic

Employment for the microscope Employment for the microscope : in two parts employmentformic00bake Year: 1764 INDEX. M. M^«72^3! examined â⢠â- ig^ fome fuppoied fidlitious âââ jgo Mea/uring of Ohjeds by Dr, Hooh^s Method â 373 by a new Micrometer 427 MeJal of Gold beftowed by the Royal Society on the Author for his Experiments on Salts, &c. â< 3 Medals, how to take Impreffions and Pidlures of- ⢠436 Metals^ Vegetation of, what ' ⢠192 Micrometer contrived by Mr. Cuff â 425 Remarks on it by Mr. Folkes â 426 in the Author's Microfcope â 430 Table belonging to it * â 432 Microfcope, which fitteft to examine Salts â i^ made ufe of in thefe Experimentsââ422 New Double Compound defcribed ibid. Mr. LeeuHxienhoek!^ defcribed ⢠' ^j 34 Millepedes, Salt of â^ ' 183 Mouldinejs on the Bark of Wood * 416 minute Fungi, of what Size 417 their Seeds- 418 Mug'doort, Salt of __ _ ijg Mulberry Infe£i « 348 Muproom, edible, its Seeds ââ 1 418 Naptha Springs near the Cafpian Sea defcribed 141 Steams take Fire on fcraping the Ground, and apply- ing a Candle ⢠ââ ihid» how managed, and its Ufe ' 142 white like Oil of Amber â 143 iVWar^ regular and conftant ââ ââ_ 6, 8 feen at Work by Glaffes â 7 her Plan in the Produdion of living Animals â 326 the Language of â Net-like Arms, an In fed having fuch Nitre or Salt-Petre examined â â its Cryftals â â . â how produced â¢â â Obfervations on â â Diffolvent of Silver â Nojirums from Antimony^ their Operation defcribed

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