Gilbert Shelton Texas. 1940 author of the comic Freak Brothers is cartoonist, during the 30 International Comic fair in Barcelona

Gilbert Shelton (Houston, Texas. 1940) Gilbert Shelton author of the famous comic Freak Brothers is cartoonist, during the 30 International Cómic fair of Barcelona, Spain called Ficomic. 04may12 photo:© Fototext/ALAMY.

Size: 2848px × 4287px
Location: Barcelona, Spain
Photo credit: © fototext / Alamy / Afripics
License: Licensed
Model Released: No

Keywords: american, artist, artwork, bandes, barcelona, brothers, cartoon, cartoonist, cat, comic, del, designer, designing, desinees, dibujante, dibujo, diseñ, diseñador, draftsman, draw, drawing, fat, ficomic, freak, freddys, gilbert, historietista, humor, ilustrador, portrait, retrato, salon, shelton, texas, usa, vert