A Collection of tracts upon the Trinitarian controversy : relating to the right of private judgment, the sufficiency of Scripture, and the terms of church-communion; upon Christian principles; occasion'd by the late Trinitarian controversy . ew his Strength. Let him provethat every Thing neceflary to Salvation isnot clearly and exprefly determined by theHoly Ghoft in Scripture; but that fome fuchMatters are left to the confequential De-termination of fallible Men in after Ages, ac-cording to the different fcholaftick Syftemswhich might happen to prevail. Nay, let himprove it fo much as poilibl

A Collection of tracts upon the Trinitarian controversy : relating to the right of private judgment, the sufficiency of Scripture, and the terms of church-communion; upon Christian principles; occasion'd by the late Trinitarian controversy . ew his Strength. Let him provethat every Thing neceflary to Salvation isnot clearly and exprefly determined by theHoly Ghoft in Scripture; but that fome fuchMatters are left to the confequential De-termination of fallible Men in after Ages, ac-cording to the different fcholaftick Syftemswhich might happen to prevail. Nay, let himprove it fo much as poilible, in the Nature ofthe Thing, to carry any Matter of pure Reve-lation beyond the exprefs Senfe and Import ofthe Revelation itfeljy as abftraded from all real^ly diftind Confequences whatever. What thelearned Author can offer upon this, as it will bediredly to the Purpofe, fo it fhall be impartiallyand candidly condderd, and replyd to. Thus, ray dear and ever faithful Friend, Ihave endeavoured, briefly and clearly as I could,to anfwer the Defign of your Letter; andI hope you will like it never the worfe, ascoming to you in this Way, I am, 5zV, Tour fincere Fricndy and humble Servant^Marlborough* T. M. Nov. 16 THE POSTSCRIPT Concerning. The real y^greement hetween theAthanasians and Soci-NiANs, in the Trinita-rian Contro^erjy. H E many unhappy Differences and(harp Contentions amongChriftians,which rend and divide the Church,and keep the Caufe of Religion con-tinually bleeding, are, and ever harebeen, by the ConfefTion of all, raifed and main-tained for Defence of Truth, Ev^ery Man whopretends to be of any Religion, and thinks him-felf capable of handling an Argument, is readyto declare his paflionate Concern for Truths andthat he feeks it with the utmoft Impartiality,But the great Conteft is. Who has this TreaftiYein Poflefifion ? Where it is to be found ? Andto what Party it of Right belongs ? It is evi-dently impolfible to fettle this Point of Rightupon the Foot of any feparate

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