Beverstone Castle, Beverston, Gloucestershire. GROSE 1778 old antique print

To Michael Hicks Esq. This View of Beverstone Castle, is Inscribed, By his humble Servants, Thomas Hearne & William Byrne. Artist/engraver/cartographer: Drawn by Thomas Hearne. Engraved by William Byrne. Published by Thomas Hearne & William Byrne. Provenance: "The Antiquities of England and Wales"; by Francis Grose, Published by S. Hooper, London. Type: Antique 18th century copperplate print.

Size: 6441px × 5161px
Location: Gloucestershire
Photo credit: © Antiqua Print Gallery / Alamy / Afripics
License: Royalty Free
Model Released: No

Keywords: 1778, 18th, antique, antiquities, beverston, beverstone, byrne, castle, castles, century, copperplate, drawn, eighteenth, england, engraved, francis, gloucestershire, grose, hearne, hicks, hooper, humble, london, michael, print, servants, thomas, view, vintage, wales, william