A golden chaine: or, the description of theologie : containing the order of the causes of salvation and damnation, according to Gods word .. . or thou hajl receired thy great might,and haji obtained thy kingdo^e. The manner ofperformino; this feruice,is to worfhip God by God him-felfe heaucn there Hiall neither be temple,cercmonie,nor Sa-crament ,but all thefe wants Hial God himfelfefupply togither with the Labe,that iSjChrifl:. Rcucl .» Ifawe no temple therein for the Lord God Almightie,and the Lamhe are the Temple of it. This feruice fhallbe daily,and without intermiflion

A golden chaine: or, the description of theologie : containing the order of the causes of salvation and damnation, according to Gods word .. . or thou hajl receired thy great might,and haji obtained thy kingdo^e. The manner ofperformino; this feruice,is to worfhip God by God him-felfe heaucn there Hiall neither be temple,cercmonie,nor Sa-crament ,but all thefe wants Hial God himfelfefupply togither with the Labe,that iSjChrifl:. Rcucl .» Ifawe no temple therein for the Lord God Almightie,and the Lamhe are the Temple of it. This feruice fhallbe daily,and without intermiflion. 5 .They arein the prefence of the throne ofCfod,andferue him day and night in his te?;!f^Corollarie,or the Itjl concluflon. THusGod,in fauing the Eleft,doeth clearely (etforth hijiuftice and :ice,inthathepunilhedthefinnes of the ele, inhisSonnesovvncperfon. His mercie,in that he pardoned their finne, for the merites ofhis Sonne. Eph. That the eies of your vnderjlandmg may be lightned, that yemay knowe what the hope is of his calling,and what the riches of his glorious inherit . K I tance. J ^5 The order- of the cmfes tance is lu hi-s Smnts^ i g. And \4jat is the exceedinggyfatnes ofhisfoiver towardcszis,which beleeue,according to the T^orking of hii mightie fovper^ 20. Which h&wrou(iht ^si ^.Thatyemaybeableto comprehend rcith all Saints ^,tvbat is the breadth,andlength!,^andheight: i p. And to knorve the lone ofChnfi. All thefe tbino;s the Lordhimfelfe hath thus decreed, and in his good timewill a<:compliflithem,to the glorious praife of his Name. Pro. 1 S.^.The Lordbath made all things for his ovpnc fake:j/ea ettsn the veickedfor the date ofemlL CBAT. JO. Ccncerning the order of the caufes offaluation according tothe do^nne of the Church of\Rjfme. Here are two things rcquifite to obtaine faluation:Pre-deftination,and the Execution thereof. Predefhnationjis a foreordaining of the reafbnable^I^H creature to grace

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Keywords: ., bookauthorbzethodorede15191605, bookcentury1600, bookdecade1600