Thai girl doing a worksheet in english class at school, Surin, Thailand

Landscape shot of a 6 year old girl filling out a work sheet on time as part of an English class taken by an English volunteer in a school in a school called Ban Som Poi in Surin, Thailand. Volunteers from the UK can work as part of a volunteer program called Starfish Ventures which places volunteers in schools around Surin for 1 month to up to a year. Surin is a city to the East of Bangkok on the Thai mainland. Image taken in February 2006.

Size: 5053px × 3360px
Photo credit: © Rebecca Marsden / Alamy / Afripics
License: Licensed
Model Released: No

Keywords: answers, asia, asian, book, class, classes, concentrate, concentrating, correct, desk, east, eastern, english, fill, filling, girl, horizontal, landscape, learn, learning, paper, pen, pencil, questions, south, student, study, studying, surin, table, teach, teacher, teaching, tefl, thai, thailand, volunteer, volunteering, work, working, write, writing, young