The Spectator[By Joseph Addison, Richard Steele and others] . e-thing that is inllruflive, as vveli as barely agreeable. Thuswith him you are fure not to be merry at the Expenceof your Reafon,nor ferious with the Lofs of your Good-humour j but, by a happy Mixture in his Temper, theyeither go together, or perpetually fucceed each fine, his whole Behaviour is equally diftant fromConflraint and Negligence, and he commands jourRe-fpeft, whilft he gains your Heart. THERE is in his whole Carriage fuch an CRgngingSoftnefs, that one cannot perfuade ones felf he is everadluated bv thofe rough

The Spectator[By Joseph Addison, Richard Steele and others] . e-thing that is inllruflive, as vveli as barely agreeable. Thuswith him you are fure not to be merry at the Expenceof your Reafon,nor ferious with the Lofs of your Good-humour j but, by a happy Mixture in his Temper, theyeither go together, or perpetually fucceed each fine, his whole Behaviour is equally diftant fromConflraint and Negligence, and he commands jourRe-fpeft, whilft he gains your Heart. THERE is in his whole Carriage fuch an CRgngingSoftnefs, that one cannot perfuade ones felf he is everadluated bv thofe rougher Pafiions, which, where-everthey f nd Piace, feidom fail of ftiewing themfelves in theoutward Demeanour of the Perfons they belong to : But. his ConRitution is a juft Temperature between indolenceen one hand and Violence on the other. He is mild andgentle, where-ever his Affairs viill give him leave tofollov/ his own Inclinations; but yet never failing to ex-ert himfelf with Vigour and Refolution in the Service ofhis Prince, his Country, or his Friend. Z,. W&dnejda^f ^468 qJ:e Spectator. 283 N 46S Wednefday, Augufi 27. Erat Hofno , a cut us, acer, Is qui plurimum <fffalis haberet i^ fellis, nee candoris minus. Plin. Epia. He ivas an ingenious, pleafant Fellonv, and one <vi-ho hada gyeat deal of Wit and Satire, iviti an equal Jlarecf Good-humour. MY Paper is in a kind a Letter of News, but itrejrards rather what pafies in the World of Con-verfation than that of Bufinefs. I am very {onythat I have at prefent a Circumftance before me, whichis of very great Importance to all who have a Relifh forGaiety, Wit, Mirth or Humour ; I mean the Death ofpoor Dick Eajlcourt. I have been obliged to him for fomany Hours of Jollity, that it is but a fmall Recom-pence, tho all 1 can give him, to pafs a Moment or twoin Sadnefs for the Lofs of fo agreeable a Man. PoorEajicourt! the laft Time I faw him, we were plottingto ihevv the Town his great Capacity for adting in hisfull Li

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