His Maiesties declaration : touching his proceedings in the late assembly and conuention of parliament . race We arerather minded to encreafe-, then in-fringe any of them, if theyJhaUfo de-ferue at Our hands. To end there*fore~> as Wee began, let tbem goe oncheer efuUy in their bufinejfes, reie-Uing the curious wangling of Law-yers vpon words andfyUables^ other-wife (which (jod forbid) the worldJhaU feehow often and how earnefllyWee haue preffed them to goe qn9ac~cording to their calling, with tbofethings that are fit to be done for the (j i weak 50weale of Our Qwwne and K^ngdome-^zAnd how

His Maiesties declaration : touching his proceedings in the late assembly and conuention of parliament . race We arerather minded to encreafe-, then in-fringe any of them, if theyJhaUfo de-ferue at Our hands. To end there*fore~> as Wee began, let tbem goe oncheer efuUy in their bufinejfes, reie-Uing the curious wangling of Law-yers vpon words andfyUables^ other-wife (which (jod forbid) the worldJhaU feehow often and how earnefllyWee haue preffed them to goe qn9ac~cording to their calling, with tbofethings that are fit to be done for the (j i weak 50weale of Our Qwwne and K^ngdome-^zAnd how many curious fhifts bambeene frorru time to time malkiouflyfound outfofrustrate Vs of Our goodpurpofe, and binder tbem from theperformance of that Seruice, whichthey ought to Vs and to Our whole-*Kingdome^ whereof when the Coun-trey Jhall come to be truely enformed%they will giue the %Autbours thereoflittle thanks. Giucn at Our Court at Roy- fton,tbe ftxteenth day ofDe- cember, \6zi. To Our right truftie and welbelo-ued Councellor, Sir (jeorge Qal~iwrfjKnight, one of Our princi-pal! Secretaries, AND. 51 ND finding, that notwith-ftanding all this care takenby Vs for their fatisfadion,& that Ourthrke reiteratedprefsing them to husbandwell thefhortnefleoftime, in doing goodbufinefle fit for a Parliament, Wee were Cofarre from preuailing with thern, as to allthole three admonitions of Ours, whicharc here related, Firft, by Our meflage de-liucred by Our Secretary $ Next, by Ourconclusion of Our Anfwcre to their Peti*tion j Andlaftly,by the conclufion of Ourexplanation jfent to Our Secrctaric,We nei-ther got anfwcre, nor obedience $ Yet thecontinuall care Wee had that this meetingflbould not diflblue without Come fruit forthe publike good of Our Subie&s, madeVs addrefle another Letter to the Speakerin thefc words* Mafter ft

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Keywords: ., bookauthorjamesiking, bookidhismaiestiesdecl00jame, bookyear1621