Residence of PT Barnum Includes views by Edward C. Betts, David Wilson and other photographers and publishers. Robert Dennis Collection of Stereoscopic Views. Title devised by cataloger. Views of Bridgeport, Connecticut; includes general and street views; views of bridges over a river or inlet; boats in the harbor; churches; the home of Barnum, including the grounds, statuary, and porte cochere; Washington Square and Sea Side Park; a monument; a gazebo at the end of a pier; a hotel at the beach; the Bridgeport light, showing the bell, a dory pulled up on it and ice skaters on the ice sur

Residence of PT Barnum Includes views by Edward C. Betts, David Wilson and other photographers and publishers. Robert Dennis Collection of Stereoscopic Views. Title devised by cataloger. Views of Bridgeport, Connecticut; includes general and street views; views of bridges over a river or inlet; boats in the harbor; churches; the home of Barnum, including the grounds, statuary, and porte cochere; Washington Square and Sea Side Park; a monument; a gazebo at the end of a pier; a hotel at the beach; the Bridgeport light, showing the bell, a dory pulled up on it and ice skaters on the ice surrounding it.; Residence of Barnum.

Size: 5418px × 3691px
Photo credit: © Bravo Images / Alamy / Afripics
License: Licensed
Model Released: No
