La Grange, California, United States. American Teen eats his breakfast on the couch while watching

La Grange, California, United States. Freddy Fahl, 16, enjoys a morning bowl of cereal at home while watching TV three days before moving to Wellspring Academy. After breakfast, much of the day was spent on the couch immersed in sporting events, video games, and movies on TV and playing on the computer.

Size: 5431px × 3621px
Location: La Grange,California,United States
Photo credit: © ANDY RICHTER / Aurora Photos / Alamy / Afripics
License: Royalty Free
Model Released: Yes

Keywords: california, cereal, childhood, couch, eating, fahl, fat, freddy, grange, home, image, la, lifestyle, obesity, sedentary, transformation, tv, watching