Africae tabula. Africa. SEBASTIAN MÜNSTER 1572 old antique map plan chart

Africae tabula [Africa]. Artist/engraver/cartographer: Sebastian Münster. Provenance: "Cosmographiae Universalis Lib VI. In Quibus Iuxta Certioris Fidei Scriptores…" Authore Sebastiano Munstero. Cum Gratia & Privilegio Caes. Maiest. Basileae, ex Officina Henricpetrina. Type: Antique 16th century woodcut map. One of the first modern maps of the whole continent of Africa. The Ptolemaic geography, with large rivers and convoluted mountains, is augmented from Portuguese and Arabic sources. The Arab kingdoms of Quiola and Melinde appear in eastern Africa, and Hamarich, the capital of the mythical Christian king Prester John, is shown near the confluence of the twin sources of the Nile. Madagascar is absent, even though its presence was known from the time of Marco Polo. In its stead, from the Portuguese, comes the small island of Zaphala aurifodina, the legendary isle from which King Solomon obtained silver and gold. The Cape of Good has its Portuguese name, Caput Bonespei. Kingdoms are indicated with crowns and sceptres. The map is illustrated with forests, parrots, an elephant, a Cyclops (Monoculi) and a large galleon under sail. The cartouche contains a text description of the continent

Size: 8990px × 6834px
Location: Africa
Photo credit: © Antiqua Print Gallery / Alamy / Afripics
License: Royalty Free
Model Released: No

Keywords: 1572, 16th, africa, africae, antique, augmented, authore, basileae, caes, century, certioris, chart, continent, convoluted, cosmographiae, cum, fidei, geography, gratia, henricpetrina, iuxta, lib, maiest, map, maps, modern, mountains, munster, munstero, officina, plan, privilegio, ptolemaic, quibus, rivers, scriptores, sebastian, sebastiano, sixteenth, tabula, universalis, vi, vintage, woodcut, ünster