. Sermons and religious tracts of the late Reverend Philip Doddridge, ities for fpiritual Improvement, either abfentingourfelves from them, or attending them in a carelefsand unprofitable Manner. Let us remember, the Ser^<vant nuho kuo^jcs his Majiers Will, and prepares not him-felf to aii according to it, <v:ill be beaten nxiith manyStripes*. iTie freeft Profeffion of the pureft Religionon Earth will fignify nothing, if it be no more thana Profeflion ; and all that Zeal for Liberty which isconfiftent with being the Slave of Sin, is only a natural Haugh-* Lokexii. 47, Persecution fo

. Sermons and religious tracts of the late Reverend Philip Doddridge, ities for fpiritual Improvement, either abfentingourfelves from them, or attending them in a carelefsand unprofitable Manner. Let us remember, the Ser^<vant nuho kuo^jcs his Majiers Will, and prepares not him-felf to aii according to it, <v:ill be beaten nxiith manyStripes*. iTie freeft Profeffion of the pureft Religionon Earth will fignify nothing, if it be no more thana Profeflion ; and all that Zeal for Liberty which isconfiftent with being the Slave of Sin, is only a natural Haugh-* Lokexii. 47, Persecution for Ccnfcicnce-fake. 63 Haughtinefs of Spirit, which will aggravate a MansGuilt rather than extenuate it. The Lord grant thatnone of us may rejedl the Truth, and that none mayholdxX in Vnrighteoufnefs: left the Time come, when wewiJh for that Excufe which they will have, who haveknown the Reftraints and Difcouragements of Perfecu-tions; and another Day refleft with Horror, even onthofe repeated Deliverances, for which we are thisDay returning our publick Sithmiffioh SUBMISSION T O DIVINE PROVIDENCE I N T H E DEATH of CHILDREN, Recommended and N A SERMON Preachd at NORTHAMPTON, O N T H E Death of a very amiable and hopefulChild, about Five Years old. L 6/ J The P R E F A C E. CJ^HE Difcourfe ivhich I noiv offer io the PulUck ivasg up on a rjery fcrrofivful Occafion ; the Death cfa moft dejirahle Child, ivho njoas formed in fuch aCorrejpoiidence to my oivk Relijh and Temper, as to he able togive me a Degree of Delight, and confequenth of Dijirejs,njchich I did not before think it pojjlble I could have receivedfrom a little Creature luho had tiot quite completed her FifthTear, Since the Sermon ivas preached, it has pleafed God tomake the like Breaches on the Families of fe-x-eral of myFriends; and, ixith Regard to fame of thc?n, the AffiSiionhath been attended ixith Circumjiances of yet forer Aggra-va-tion. Though fe^ceral of them are removed t

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Keywords: ., boo, bookidsermonsreligious01dodduoft, booksubjectsermonsenglish