. Anabaptismes mysterie of iniquity unmasked, with rules of comfort for a wounded spirit .. . loath, as CMarjdidChrifts feet, andChrifl theDifciples feete , with many o-ther like inftances, which wereleft by Chrifl to the difpofing ofthe Church, as in the Scripturesdirected vnto by the MarginallCotation at the letter p appea-red. If to vfe a Ceremony, or ck- cum- at the Sacrament. cumftance in the Seruice of G©d,in any particular not commaun-ded, not pra&ifed by Chrift, orhisDifeiples, bee an adding tothe Word , then your felfe andgreareft oppofers with you, areadders, euen in the pra&ife ofth

. Anabaptismes mysterie of iniquity unmasked, with rules of comfort for a wounded spirit .. . loath, as CMarjdidChrifts feet, andChrifl theDifciples feete , with many o-ther like inftances, which wereleft by Chrifl to the difpofing ofthe Church, as in the Scripturesdirected vnto by the MarginallCotation at the letter p appea-red. If to vfe a Ceremony, or ck- cum- at the Sacrament. cumftance in the Seruice of G©d,in any particular not commaun-ded, not pra&ifed by Chrift, orhisDifeiples, bee an adding tothe Word , then your felfe andgreareft oppofers with you, areadders, euen in the pra&ife ofthe fore-cited circamftances. Therfore forihame,if you haueany, defift from fuch reafonings,and labour to reftraine fuch asyou haue made drunks with yourfpeakings euill, of what you vn-derflood net, faying, The Lordfaith it, when the Lord neUerfpake it, left you difcouer yourfelues to be Apoftate ones, for-faking, and forfaken of God*twife dead, and plucked vp bythe rootes* A Reply to the fecwd Ar±gument. YOur Maior Propofition Minor I denie, andrea-Ton it thus: The. 138 <. t Eztrk. , , , ,,27. }.! 7. 2 , 20. x , (9/ Kneeling The Doctrines there meant,arefuch as matce voydthe commandsof God. But that commaund for knee- jling at the Sacrament, you haue ot prooued to make void a com-maund of God. Therefore that commaund dothnot make voyd3nor croffe a com-maund of God. tA T^eplj to the third Maior Proportion Minor I denie, and rea-fon it thus: By adding to the word in thatplacets meant an affirming that,that addition the Lord t fp^akes,which the Lordneuer fpake; andthat addition is u willingly madeagainftthe adders certain know-ledge of the trueth -, as appea-reth, By that all the 5 plaguesin that Booke (hall be added vntothem. But r at the Sacrament. But that commaund for knee-line at the Sacrament, is no fuchaddition, nei

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Keywords: ., bookidanabaptismesmyst00lond, bookpublisherlondonprintedbygeld